Exploration of Coal in Preliminary Exploration in west of ChanoRikba Coal Block, North Karanpura Coalfield, in Hazaribagh District in the State of Jharkhand.”
Promotional (regional) Exploration of Coal in G3 stage in West of Borda&Ghonsa-parsodaBlock, Wardha valley coalfield, in Chandrapur District in the State of Maharastra”.
“Promotional (regional) Exploration of Coal in G3 stage in West of Borda&Ghonsa-parsodaBlock, Wardha valley coalfield, in Chandrapur District in the State of Maharastra”.
Promotional (regional) Exploration of Coal in G3 stage in North of Rajathari Block, PenchKanhanTawa valley coalfield, in Chindwara District in the State of Madhya Pradesh
Cross-Verification of original bills/vouchers/documents with theExisting Valuation Reportof Underground Mine Development (Inclines and Shafts)at Parbatpur Central Coal Mine – On As is Where is Basis”