APPOINTMENT OF MINE DEVELOPER CUM OPERATOR (MDO) For Re-opening & Expansion of Rakha Copper Mine, Development & Operations of Underground Mine at Chapri and Commissioning of matching capacity new concentrator plant at Rakha, Jharkhand through Revenue Sharing model.
Engagement of Insurance Broker for placement of DVC’s Mega Risk Package Insurance Policy as well as settlement of Insurance Claims and other related matters.
APPOINTMENT OF MINE DEVELOPER CUM OPERATOR (MDO) For Re-opening & Expansion of Rakha Copper Mine, Development & Operations of Underground Mine at Chapri and Commissioning of matching capacity new concentrator plant at Rakha, Jharkhand through Revenue Sharing model.
Optimization of Workspace and Installation of Centralized Air Conditioning, Fire Water Sprinkler System and Building Management System in all the Floors of DVC Towers Kolkata.