Modernization of Almatti Left Bank Canal From Ch: 0.00 km to 68.24 km (Balance work) including structures (Indent-20143) and Amount Put to tender is Rs. 7864.97 lakhs.
Construction of Distributary network and its laterals of Managuli Branch Canal under Mulawad LIS Stage-III (Indent No. 23122 ) Amount for Rs.25447.91Lakhsand 2] Construction of Distributary network and its laterals of Babaleshwar Branch Canal-1&2 under Mulawad LIS Stage-III (Indent No.23125)” Amount for Rs.20084.24 Lakhs.
Pre-fabricated integral cab body (Nlono Coque) L4edical Ambulance on Petrol/Dicsel as per Appendix-A of Global Tender Notice cornplete in all respects and ready for use with ali rnedical equiprnent and other fitments installed and commissioned as per enclosed techrrical