Inviting Item wise three cover tender is called for the mentioned Indent No : DMA/2023-24/OW/Work Indent_4888/Call - 4 for Urban Local Bodies of DUDC Haveri estimate cost value of Rs. 1098.18 Lakh under 2023-24 Legacy Waste Tender SBM 2.0. As per Karnataka Transperency Procurement Port Act 2000 Modification Act 2021.
Inviting Item wise three cover tender is called for the mentioned Indent No : DMA/2023-24/OW/Work Indent_4888/Call - 4 for Urban Local Bodies of DUDC Haveri estimate cost value of Rs. 1098.18 Lakh under 2023-24 Legacy Waste Tender SBM 2.0. As per Karnataka Transperency Procurement Port Act 2000 Modification Act 2021..
Setting up of 500 mw/1000mwh standalone Battery Energy Storage Systems in Tamil Nadu under tariff-based global competitive bidding with viability gap funding support.