'Expression of Interest (EOI) is invited from reputed & experienced travel agencies for empanelment in Bihar Agricultural University(please see the website for due date).
2D Seismic survey for Coal Exploration in Nagdharna and Pusulda Coal Block, Mand-Raigarh coalfield, Raigarh District in the State of Chhattisgarh as per Scope of Work given at Annexure-I
“Repair and maintenance along with provision of spares, assemblies, consumables, lubricants, repair/overhauling of assemblies, technical manpower to perform all type of repair and maintenance as per OEM recommendation towards maintaining of HEMM equipment CAT make D11T Dozer for a period of 5 years
Exploration of Coal in G3/G4 Stage of Exploration in North of Labji Pusla block (Sonhat Coalfield, Korea district in the state of Chattisgarh), North of chulaha Bhulia block (Sohagpur Coalfield, Anuppur district in the state of Madhya Pradesh) and West of Sheetaldhara block (Sohagpur Coalfield, Anuppur district in the state of Madhya Pradesh) as per Scope of Work given at Annexure-I