Comprehensive Operation and Maintenance of Water Distribution Stations, Sewage Pumping Stations and Sewer System using machineries on the following locations for 3 years Package – II - Area IV, V and VI. etc. CNT/WSS/SEW/NCB/MWB/3647/2024-25.
Work of Construction, Testing and Commissioning of Reservoir at Porur and Pumping Stations, Ancillary works at Perur and Porur including Operation & Maintenance (O&M) for Twenty (20) Years .
Corrigendum - Work of Construction, Testing and Commissioning of Reservoir at Porur and Pumping Stations, Ancillary works at Perur and Porur including Operation & Maintenance (O&M) for Twenty (20) Years
work of Construction, Testing and Commissioning of Reservoir at Porur and Pumping Stations, Ancillary works at Perur and Porur including Operation & Maintenance (O&M) for Twenty (20) Years for a value put to tender of Rs.153.63 Crores.
Selection of Concessionaire for Restoration of Adyar River under Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM)” through Public Private Partnership mode on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer basis.