Package IV - Strengthening and Improvement works of Electrical / Mechanical / Instrumentation / Civil structure and its allied works of various sewage pumping stations in Area IV, V & VI under Vada Chennai ValarchiThittam CNT/SEW/NCB/VCVT/3634/2024-25 etc
work of Construction, Testing and Commissioning of Reservoir at Porur and Pumping Stations, Ancillary works at Perur and Porur including Operation & Maintenance (O&M) for Twenty (20) Years .
Construction, Testing and Commissioning of Reservoir at Porur and Pumping Stations, Ancillary works at Perur and Porur including Operation & Maintenance (O&M) for Twenty (20) Years.
TENDER EXTENSION NOTICE-(Construction, Testing and Commissioning of Reservoir at Porur and Pumping Stations, Ancillary works at Perur and Porur including Operation & Maintenance (O&M) for Twenty (20) Years.)