Manufacture & Supply of 780 MT of 50mm size Hi- Chrome Grinding Media Balls (Casting) for the Ball Tube mills of type BBD 4760 of Dr.NTTPS & Dr.MVR RTPP, through APGENCO e-procurement platform.
lnvrung ltem wise two cover tender is called for the mentioned Indent No :DMA/2 023-24 / OWlWork_ INDENT 13093 for CMC Haveri estimate cost value of Rs. 1480.00 Lakh under 20ZZ-ZZ Nagarothana Phase-4 works. As per Karnataka Transperency Procurement port Act 2000 Modifi cation Act 202L
SLA Based Comprehensive Maintenance of Optical Fiber cable and its associated works in BAs of Uttar Pradesh East Telecom circle as defined in Scope of work in Single Stage Bidding and Two stage Opening using two Electronic Envelopes etc.