Purchase of 60,000 Metric Tonnes of “Tur dal (Split- Husked &Fatka)[Indigenous]/Tur Dal (Split Husked-Imported)/ Lentil locally known as Canadian Yellow Lentil (Split – Husked & Laired No.2) / Lentil locally known as Canadian Yellow Lentil (Whole – Husked & Laired No.2)as per AGMARK specification”
Design, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 1 no. new 220 KV line from existing 220 KV CTPS switchyard to M/s SAIL, BSL, Bokaro by using Monopole towers".
Empanelment of Vendors/Suppliers for Supply of Stationery Items, Rubber Stamps and Printed Materials to Reserve Bank of India, Chennai under various categories and different panel limits