“Investigation, Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Lift & Gravity System- Consisting of Pressure main and Gravity main, including Distribution Network for filling of 13 Tanks from RM/DC and also rejuvenation of existing tanks, formation of new tanks, Beautification of tanks, construction of approach road and linking roads including cross drainage works to connect the tanks under Satge-2 works (In continuation of Arabhavi Tank Filling Scheme Stage-1 work) on Lump sum Turnkey Basis”.(Indent No 2583) from the registered / Valid KPWD Class-I contractor.
Issue Date:18-02-2025
Closing Date:21-03-2025
Location:Bangalore, Karnataka
ITJ Volume:
ITJ Volume No:
ITJ Publication Date:
Description:“Investigation, Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Lift & Gravity System- Consisting of Pressure main and Gravity main, including Distribution Network for filling of 13 Tanks from RM/DC and also rejuvenation of existing tanks, formation of new tanks, Beautification of tanks, construction of approach road and linking roads including cross drainage works to connect the tanks under Satge-2 works (In continuation of Arabhavi Tank Filling Scheme Stage-1 work) on Lump sum Turnkey Basis”.(Indent No 2583) from the registered / Valid KPWD Class-I contractor.